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Our team



Marcin and Jacek - they are the masterminds behind setting up our IT school. It is thanks to their idea and firm belief that education in Poland can look different that Coders Lab was created.

Marcin Tchórzewski - CEO

Marcin Tchórzewski


Jacek Tchórzewski - CTO

Jacek Tchórzewski


Chief Operating Officer

Planning, analysis, strategy - thanks to her everything at Coders Lab goes like in a Swiss watch.


Chief Operating Officer

Chief Innovation Officer

Creates, develops and implements a strategy for implementing projects in the field of new products, systems and business lines


Chief Innovation Officer

Education Department

Tasks, exams, presentations - it is this team that prepares programs of our courses, takes care of their level and every day shares their knowledge with students during classes.

Jacek - CTO


Head of Education

Karol - Test Specialist


Test Specialist

Arkadiusz - Back-end Developer


Back-end Developer

Software Department

Department in our company yet hiding in the darkest room in the office. It is this team that develops the programs of our courses, takes care of their quality and shares their knowledge with others during the classes.

Krzysztof - IT Manager


IT Manager




Project, Product and Innovation Department

Creative and analytical - priceless ideas arise in their heads. They ensure that each course is adapted to the market's demand.

Mikołaj - PM Manager


PM Manager

Anna - Product Owner


Product Owner

Courses Advisors

You don't know which technology is for you? They will help you to pick the righ one. 

Course Organization Department

One of a kind - girls from the Course Organization Department. It is them who put the puzzle pieces together so that each course is ready to start. You can always count on their help in choosing the right course and in overcoming motivational crises.


Courses Specialist (Warszawa)


Thanks to them, you know we exist. Social media, website, Coders Day meetings, free workshops ... all of these done so you can get to know us better. And one more thing - stickers! Well, we just love cool stickers!

Kasia - Performance Marketing Specialist


Performance Marketing Specialist

Finance Department

Operations, processes, finances, systems - boredom? Not for them. A bit in the background, they quietly make sure that everything works well in the company. Thanks to them, what they have left to invent will succeed.

Alicja - Financial Manager


Financial Manager


Indispensable! Especially for you they are looking for the best coding instructors on the market, and for us - the best collaborators. It is thanks to their work that at Coders Lab everyone feels at home.

Office management

They really make us feel like the office is our home away from home. When they are away, we are not able to find anything. Even replacing toner cartriges becomes a challenge (even though we have 15 programmers in our team).

Katarzyna - Administracje Manager


Administration Manager