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Learn how to test in a virtual classroom on a course combining the effectiveness of stationary learning and the flexibility of learning online!

Why is remote learning at Coders Lab unique?

Our model is based on learning in a virtual classroom, which consists of 4 elements

  • Learning from anywhere you are

  • 70% of the course is a remote study with a lecturer and a group

  • Live interactive classes 3 times a week

  • Modern tools for video communication

5 weeks

of classes + prework and postwork

12-18 hours

of weekly study


of the main part of the course hours are live lessons with lecturer and group


ISTQB exam held at the Coders Lab headquarters in Warsaw

How does it work?

Live workshop

3 times a week (in the evening and on weekends) at specific times you have the opportunity to carry out practical tasks with a lecturer and a group.

Professional support

During the course you are under constant care. Apart from classes in a virtual classroom, from Mon. to Thurs. you can talk via Slack with lecturers who will answer all your questions.


The formula of the course allows you to learn the basics yourself in a place and time of your choice.

Sample week of classes


between 6pm - 9:30pm you will take part in a live workshop with a lecturer and a group


minimum of 2 hours of independent study and quiz


between 6 pm - 9:30 pm you will take part in a live workshop with a lecturer and a group


between 6 pm - 9:30 pm you will take part in a live workshop with a lecturer and a group


minimum of 2 hours of independent study and quiz


in two sessions between 9:30 am - 12:30 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm you will take part in a live workshop with a lecturer and a group

Elements of the course